Saturday, November 25, 2006
I have no musical news, but this needs to be heard about. NYPD opened fire on a groom and three other men today as they left a bachelor party; the groom was killed and two others wounded. As of yet, NYPD has offered no response or reason for the murder. Luckily, Rev. Al Sharpton is involved and I hope we can all find out what these men did. I very much so hope it was something worthy of killing them. Otherwise, I only have more proof the police are useless. I suppose the LAPD are happy something has taken the spotlight off them.

Read the full story here at Yahoo.

Photo credit: Brian Short, Arizona indyMedia

If you know a song that might be good to listen to right now, please respond in the comments.

1 Thoughts:

Anonymous Anonymous on 12:17 am

When I read this a week ago, I was devastated. I couldn't believe it.

No matter what he did, the wife didn't deserve to loose her groom. I am crying again just imagining this happening to me.